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Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Auto accident injury treatment is what you would normally need after a car crash. Here we explain more about it.


What is Auto Accident Injury Treatment?

It’s the treatment you need when you have a car accident. Many doctors would treat it by giving you painkillers and a neck brace. However, this doesn’t exactly help repair the injury itself and the damage it may leave. Physical Therapy is the primary method for repairing and strengthening damaged tissue. Chiropractic care and treatments are what will help you with really treating the injury.


Why see a chiropractor after an accident for auto accident injury treatment?

Most people after an accident go to a chiropractor to stop the pain. However, even if you don’t feel pain, you should go to a chiropractor. Many injuries may not show immediately and you don’t want to go when it’s too late. Plus, if you are going to report it to the insurance, you should have a chiropractor saying you need auto accident injury treatment and what kind. Being injured in a car accident can cause unseen damage to the neck, back and spine. Chiropractic treatment not only gets to the root of the problem, but it also helps to alleviate the pain at the same time.


How are accident injuries treated?

An auto accident chiropractor can help patients recover from these types of injuries with non-invasive treatment. Our chiropractors are experts in auto accidents. From a spine alignment to more in-depth and specific treatments might be applied.


Why do chiropractors require so many visits? How many sessions do you need with a chiropractor?

For many musculoskeletal conditions, you may need weekly visits. Other people just need a once-per-month visit. But, when it comes to auto accident injury treatment, you may need to even go 2-3 times per week depending on how bad the injuries are and the type.

Our team will tell you exactly what you can expect and how we will work with you step by step.

What are some symptoms that should never be ignored after a car accident?

A lot of symptoms may seem mild at first. For example, a moderate stiffness may not be enough to make you want to go to the chiropractor or doctor. However, it could be the beginning of something much bigger.

Tingling sensations, numbness, and loss of sleep are other typical symptoms that should never be ignored.

If you feel any of these symptoms, please seek immediate attention. These could be just the tip of the iceberg of much more serious conditions and you will probably need auto accident injury treatment.


Contact the Spine & Rehab Centers for chiropractors in Orlando

The Spine and Rehab Centers team of chiropractors in Orlando thanks you for taking your time in sending us your questions. We want to make sure we continue to provide you with thoughtful and valuable information. So, please continue to send them our way and we will do our best to continue to respond.

We can help you with spinal adjustments and many other chiropractic services.

If you have any additional questions about our services, you may contact us by clicking here. Our phone number is 407-802-4476 and our offices are all over Central Florida. You may find directions on how to get there here. And for more information on our services, please don’t hesitate to visit our website.

For more official information on chiropractic care, go to the American Chiropractor’s Association.